A WeAreLewisham Exhibition: The textile legacies of the women of the Windrush Generation
Image 1: Joy, Esther & Sylvia Prime Image 2: Mother and Daughter Image 3: Nicole Bastin, Joy, Esther *Esther Wearing Dress Created and Sylvia
So I'm back again - one week later, after the finale of Joy Prime's vision to create an exhibition showcasing the incredible talent and world of Caribbean Couture. The end of her exhibition culminated in a showcase of designs from a diverse range of people from all backgrounds and cultures, ending with her special showpiece designed by Joy Prime along with her intern Nicole Bastin, an incredibly talented and creative young lady, with vision and the intuitive ability to bring something to life.
The event was compered by Joy's brother Dale Prime.
Here I share more excerpts from those who visited the exhibition, a place of nostalgia and reminiscence for many. All who I spoke to were eager to share their formative and earlier experiences of either coming over to the UK, or memories of their parents or grandparents whose experiences of living in one room, as families or simply remembering things like the paraffin heater,
the Singer machine etc.
It was quite surreal at times watching people and the emotions that this exhibition bought up in them, experiences that were deep and symbolic on many levels. This exhibition seemed to give people a sense of belonging..
As many individuals so wanted to share and also give back. Their smiles saying so much about the inspiration and memories that this exhibition had recreated in them.
On the night of the show, we go behind the scenes as Joy and Nicole continue to work fervently putting the finishing touches to their masterpiece. A stunning representation of a couture dress using various techniques that would have been used by their ancestors.
I managed to catch up with Nicole, as she beavered away, last minute on the day of the fashion show, to get her take on her experience on this project, to shine the spotlight in her direction as well.
Image 1: Makeup Artist and Sylvia Image 2: Nicole putting finishing touches Image 3:
Backstage - Before the show. Models Are Ready to Hit the Catwalk
Many of those who modeled at the show were modeling their own designs. Many of which were designs that were over 20 years old, and some were outfits that their mothers had made for them as teenagers - adding to the historical element of the exhibition.
Image 1: Karen Image 2: Sylvia and Joy Prime Image 3:

On the night renowned Radio Personality Geoff Schumann hit the decks, dropping those old skool tunes, that were so reminiscent of those by-gone days and at times, had the crowd skanking and jiving. What a great community feel! What a great time had by all. So much laughter, clapping and cheering. This is what community is about. Togetherness, Support, keeping ones culture alive through celebration.
To find out more about this Project and Joy Prime View Details Below:
Thanks also go out to: Details of Joy Prime:
More Information on The Exhibition