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The 7th Anti-Bullying Award Ceremony - Sunday 24th September at The Griffin Studios - Las Vegas

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

Another momentous moment being both host and surprise recipient of an award at The 7th Anti-Bullying Awards.

This award ceremony came about because of the experiences Carrie Brown, Queen of Las Vegas Entertainment, Capital of the World, and Nations Ambassador, had of being bullied. These experiences gave her a determination to become an ambassador for others. It was her fight for survival and her faith that got her through one of the most difficult periods of her life. It was to be a legacy of hope for her children. In fact, being bullied to the extent that she had experienced, was life-changing, and life-threatening leading her into a tunnel of despair, doubt and depression and yet there was a fight in her there was something God put in her that would later be revealed as a miracle, and that was the coming through, the burning through birthing the creation of her Anti-Bullying Awards Ceremony.

Carrie Brown, A woman of tenacity and fortitude; a woman of perseverance, a woman whose heart is to serve her community, to reach out and touch and speak into the lives of those going through, a woman with a mission and a passion and obedience to God, a woman who created The Anti-Bullying Awards to honor those who either supported her movement, or who in some capacity fight the good fight against bullying. Those who raise their voices, who use their resources to campaign again, to highlight, to promote bullying.

Carrie relentlessly supports her community and the international community with guidance and advice about bullying and the legal steps and measures to take.

Her mission to offer hope, comfort and resolution to those being bullied; to offer those who are bullies the chance to reflect, to contemplate, to resolve their role; and to spread the word that bullying is a disease, something that needs to be dealt with and eradicated.


Congratulations to all The Award Winners of The 7th Anti-Bullying Awards Show.

  • Bobby Wilson - Mr Entertainment Bobby Wilson Anti-Bullying Last Teardrop Documentary Award 2023

  • Stephanie Liferidge - The Anti-Bullying Best Supporting Female RnB Soul Singer.

  • Alberta Richardson - The Anti-Bullying Community Service Award 2023

  • April McGill - The Anti-Bullying Best Supporting Fan Spirit of Excellence

  • Byron Birdsong - Anti-Bullying 2023 Highest Honours of Distinction Award

  • Esther Austin - The Anti-Bullying Legendary Legend Global Diamond of Excellence Award

Message by Organiser and CEO Queen Carrie Brown

Message by Bobby Brooks Wilson

Message by Alberta Richardson

Message from Byron Birdsong

Message by Stephanie Liferidge

Queen Carrie Brown welcomes April McGill onto the stage to give her, her award

Until next year

For anyone wishing to contact Carrie Brown. Email:

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