Part of the work work we do, travelling is a huge part of that. After-all, we are about music and lifestyle, which means we meet some beautiful people along the way. Many are those we grew up listening to or watched on TV. People who inspired and still inspire us.
So in June this year, I headed off to Atlanta and New York and was able to grab some very special and fun 'On the Sofa with Esther' moments with people like Trina Parks, actress, dancer, choreographer, author and the first African American woman to play in a bond Movie, as Thumper in Diamonds are Forever with the late Sean Connery. Then there was Gregory Williams, Founder and Lead of the Motown group SWITCH, with songs such as Keeping Secrets, There'll Never Be, I call your Name who has a book out that tells their story 'Switch, Debarge, Motown and me' , who talked about his career to-date and his latest accolade, receiving an Best RnB Group Award. Then there was Gerald Alston, from The Manhattans, an award winning RnB vocal group as well as Gerald being a solo artist. I got to know these individuals on a deeper level and there was much sharing and laughter. Below are some clips and excerpts from time spent. Full interviews can be found on our youtube channel:
Gerald Alston Shares about receiving a phone call from Marilyn McCoo, Singer from the 5th Dimension -
Gregory Williams from Switch - Full Interview on:
Trina Parks -
Life is full of experiences. We all have a purpose in life. We are all great - some of us find our purpose and road, others are still pondering it out, whilst some have given up.
Wherever you are on the spectrum, I would say as long as you are content wherever you are, then keep it moving. Life has so much to offer. We are not defined by what has happened to us, but by how we use those experiences to live. Experiences teach us so much, even through the pain, heart aches, there is always a learning and a wisdom that we can utilise to rise.